North Collins Athletic Complex
The Home of the Eagles is a facility the entire North Collins community is very proud of, and we invite all of Section 6 and Western New York to come out and take a look!
Athletic Placement Process
Any student in Grade 7 or 8 wanting to try-out for a team at a higher level (JV or Varsity), must have the APP parental permission slip signed, along with our district medical directors approval and then take and pass the physical test in order to be eligible for TRY OUTS.
For your information, the athletic placement process looks like this:
7th or 8th grade parent, player OR coach recognizes the need or desire to move an athlete up to play JV or Varsity. The coaches and the athletic director will decide if this decision is prudent based on recommendation of 50% or more play time expected.
The coach notifies the Athletic Director, and the AD distributes the application packet to the coach or athlete(s).
The parent/guardian fills out the parental consent and completes the demographic information on Section C. Paperwork is returned to the coach.
The coach submits sections B,C, and D to the clinic. The school nurse will determine if physical on file is current and submit to the Medical Director for his determination of their physical maturity based on height, weight, muscle mass and Tanner staging. If the physical is out-of-date, nurse will notify the parent. After the medical director's determination is received, the school nurse will return completed packet sections B, C and D to the coach and Athletic Director.
Athletic Director schedules APP testing date and time with the athlete, with a copy of testing sent to high school school clinic. If the athlete passes at least 4 of the 5 components of the APP Test, they pass the test and forward paperwork to High School Nurse. If the athlete does not pass, we can try infinitely to pass the failed component(s). The athlete can start practice Immediately only if and when they pass the test.
Athletic Directorwill forward all of our Seasonal APP athletes to our opponents for that season.
Note: If an athlete took the test last year/earlier this year and passed it they might need to retake the test this year due to a bump up of age, which puts them at higher standards to pass. The Placement Test is different from each age level of the athletes.
Additional information regarding the Athletic Placement Process can be found at the bottom of the Sports, Coaches, Parents page. Please direct any questions to your coach or the Athletic Director, Paul Kellner at [email protected].
Building and Athletic Field Permit Application
Would you or your organization/group like to use our athletic field, weight room or gymnasium? Click to download the Building and Athletic Field Permit Application, and submit it to the District Office at the High School as soon as possible.