District Mission Statement:
The North Collins Central School District is a safe and supportive learning environment that strives to maximize educational opportunities for all students, faculty, staff, and community members. We nurture responsibility, creativity, energy, and open-mindedness to empower successful contributors to a global society.
District Technology Vision:
The North Collins Central School District will promote technology to foster 21st century skills. Technology will be incorporated across the changing curriculum and standards implementation to support and enhance learning. Students will learn to effectively use technology as a tool in problem solving, creativity, communication and productivity in order to become successful contributing members of society able to meet the changing demands of life and workplace. Teachers will use technology to foster a global awareness and to model technological capabilities with the goal of preparing students to become responsible digital citizens.

Brian Zolnowski
Director of Information Technology and Communication Services
Data Protection Officer
Chief Information Officer
(716) 337-0101 x1100
[email protected]